2009年11月24日 星期二

Lion head Mtn, 獅頭山

Last I lived on Tiger head Mtn, cleared a new take off zone and turned it over to my mate, YB Human. Now, on Lionhead Mountain, we have cleared an excellent training take off zone. This is similar to Wan Li or Ilan. It still needs some cosmetic work. But, we have been flying it daily this week, and 4 days out of 7 for nearly 2 years. Advanced pilots may find it boring. Thermal to 300 only, very hard to get high enough to get out of the river delta area. But as an instructor, and tandem pilot, I find it very suitable.

2004年,我住在虎頭山,整理了新的起飛,並把它交給我的夥伴,Yuri。最近,在獅頭山我們整理了一個很好的起飛訓練這個場地條件類似萬里或宜蘭。雖然仍然需要一些修修補補的工作。這個星期我們每天飛,其餘的日子裡每週飛 4天已持續 2年的時間。高級的飛行員可能會覺得無聊。遇到好日子熱氣流頂多到300 米msl的高度,不容易飛高到足以越過河床三角洲區域。但身為教練、雙人滑翔傘飛行員,我覺得非常適

I can stand on the hill and monitor pilots in all directions, into the LZ.
sea breeze lifts pilots gently off the hill most of the day 整天海風徐徐地將飛行員輕鬆地帶向空中
drive up in 10 minutes 上山車程僅需10分鐘
180 degree take off 180度起飛
shore breeze starts at 7 a.m. 海風7點開始吹
morning thermal at 10 a.m. takes you up to 250 上午10點的清晨熱氣流可以盤高到250
gentle thermal 柔和的熱氣流
top landing for adv pilots, 高級飛行員可以原地降落
beach, 7 - 11, B n B, BBQ, beer, bus stop at the LZ 海灘,7 - 11,民宿,燒烤,啤酒,公車可到降落場
grass top take off zone 草皮起飛場
alternate landing zone has grass for those who don't want sand in the seams 不想降落在沙灘也有草地可降落
gentle thermal off the rock face daily 起飛場前方石壁生成的熱氣流整天源源不絕

eagles, hawks, sea birds, swallows to mark thermal 鷹,隼,海鳥,燕子為熱氣流指標
air traffic is low 空中交通不壅塞
road traffic is light 車流量少
easy to predict the wind conditions from websites 容易從網站預測的風向
spectacular sunset flying as the oceans releases evening thermal 黃昏海面氣流伴隨著令人屏息的日落飛行

What I need to make this launch absolutely perfect is 10 cu mts of clean fill. 為了使起飛場絕對完美,我需要10立方米的土方。(材料費約台幣5000外加15000的工資)

translation by DoReMi

The next question is, where will the next site be? Hahaha! I got that planned out already!

Life's a BEEEACH!!!! and then ya' FLY!!!! 500 msl/agl beach site. Great for speed gliding 75 kph!!!! on 12 sq mt wing!!!

GPS: 22°14'16.38"N , 120°40'10.09"E
Highway 3 south to Nan Dzou exit.
Number 1 south to Fang San, mile marker 455.

fly it on PGESIM: 線上飛行模擬器

see recent pictures of this site點選連結看最新照片 ; J mtn, Jesus Mtn, Lionhead Mtn, Xr To San

contact me to arrange a group activity; room and board, wings, meals, driver, pickup at the airport, or station. 與我聯繫,安排團體活動;食宿、傘具餐點司機機場或火車站接送

0911 158352 馬太乙 skype : xhawkinsx